leucopus is the white-footed deermouse. It's the cutest thing I learned
about during years of working in infectious diseases - you can imagine
cute is thin on the ground in that field - a reservoir for Lyme disease
but otherwise just a furry little cutie minding its own business. I
don't work in infectious disease anymore but the mousie deserves its
moment of fame.
I chose it as my user name. There's nothing else about white-footed
deermice on the site.
This site is an adjunct to my blog, also
called Peromyscus.At the blog, I talk about the things that interest me; music, writing,
reading, and getting angry at things I can't change. Some of these are
ephemera, of the kind that fit well on a blog. Some of them are more
substantial. But blogs are insubstantial. Things go off the front page and become
yesterday's news. I'll put some of the substantial ones here as well as leaving them on
the blog. You can go back to the blog to comment; even yesterday's news has live comments enabled.